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Exploring the Idea of Collaborative Divorce? Work with the Experienced, Dedicated Family Law Professionals at Our Firm.

Boise Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Answers from a Skilled Boise Divorce Lawyer Today

When people think of divorce, lengthy negotiations and legal procedures usually come to mind. More and more often, however, couples are resorting to a timelier, cheaper, and less painful approach to dissolving their marriage. This is called a collaborative divorce.

In a collaborative divorce, both spouses sign a participation agreement that binds each of them to professionally moderated negotiations. These talks are guided by legal counsel elected by each of the spouses, along with any experts needed to help inform the divorce terms (like accountants, or custody specialists). This process keeps the divorce proceedings out of court and in the hands of spouses.

At Bublitz Law, P.C., we're dedicated to providing the very best legal options to our clients. That's why we offer collaborative divorce services to all our family law clients.

In the cases where divorces have a chance at being resolved with as little conflict as possible, our Boise divorce attorneys are ready to create the healthiest process possible for clients and their families.

Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

Even when emotions are running high at the beginning of divorce proceedings, most couples are encouraged to carefully consider a collaborative divorce option. The benefits these divorces can be immediate and long-lasting.

Reasons why couples choose collaborative divorce can include:

  • Final decisions rest in the hands of the couple, not a judge.
  • Negotiation schedules are decided by the couple and are more flexible.
  • These divorces are usually speedier and less expensive than litigation.
  • Collaboration can foster better standing between the spouses.
  • Many couples find them to be less stressful than standard, judge-presided divorces.

A Boise Divorce Lawyer is Ready to Assist You

Every divorce, even collaborative ones, can be difficult and painful. At our firm, we make sure that our clients who elect this process are still thoroughly heard and have the resources to reach the best divorce terms possible.

If you or a loved one are going through a divorce and believe a collaborative option is right for you, we invite you to call our firm today. We have a proven Boise divorce lawyer ready to walk you through the process.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation.

Read from Our Clients' Past Experiences

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  • “I felt reassured hiring him to represent me.”

  • “I am pleased with the results.”

  • “I would definitely recommend Bublitz Law Office to someone who was in trouble.”

  • “I recommend Gerald Bublitz and his law firm to anyone facing criminal charges.”

  • “She is aggressive and devoted a lot of time going through all of the facts of my case.”

  • “They listened to my concerns and worked hard to achieve a positive outcome.”

  • “He looked out for my best interest and fought my charges aggressively.”

  • “I could not have been happier with the outcome and the way the case was handled.”

  • “They are supportive and work hard for all of their clients.”
